Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Michelangelos David Essay - 775 Words

When thinking of sculptures, one of the first that comes to mind is David. This statue was created of marble between 1501 and 1504 and stands over 14 feet high. David is a symbol that represents strength and anger. The statue had intended political connotations for the ruling of the Medici family. Michelangelo used David as model of heroic courage to demonstrate that spiritual strength can be more effective than arms. Michelangelo insisted that David should stand as a symbol of the republic and act as a warning that Florence shall be governed justly and bravely. This was the first time since antiquity that a large nude statue be exhibited in a public place. Michelangelos David is based on the artistic discipline of disegno.†¦show more content†¦David is extremely buff, a quality that was highly revered during the Greek and Roman eras, and he shows off the male body very well. He is in a slight contraposto stance, where the artist illustrates the natural counterbalance of the body through the bending of the hips in one direction and the legs in another direction. The well defined muscular build is the ideal form to our culture today. Personally I strive to better myself to be physically strong and muscular in appearance. Though David is a male model, he makes a gorgeous physical role model for me. His facial expression is tense and determined, as it should be before the battle of Goliath. Determination, fighting for what one stands for, is noble and stunning. Unlike the David of Donatello, Michelangelos David is not shown after conquering his enemy. Instead, he is portrayed as an extremely athletic and manly character; the sculpture even depicts a worried look cast upon Davids face and the carved marble veins seem to pulse with anticipation as he contemplates the upcoming fight. Cast over Davids shoulder is his sling, and the stone is clutched in his right hand. Michelangelos David depicts the ideal youth who has just reached manhood and is capable of great physical and intellectual feats, which is part of the classical tradition. Michelangelos David portrays one man in a very powerful and intelligent light, and even hinting that this one man may be someShow MoreRelatedThe Discobolus And Michelangelos David1280 Words   |  6 Pagesstandard for physical idealism stretching beyond the culture that it originated from. The evolution of such ideal standards for the human body’s aesthetic are similarly conveyed in an equally signif icant achievement in classical sculpture, Michelangelos David. Both of these pieces capture their respective audiences’ ideas of exceptional beauty and shed light on their attitudes toward the appropriateness, and even the utility of nudity in art and society at large. 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